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Overview of cleaning products industry development
Source: | Author:hkw54789c | Published time: 2019-11-26 | 648 Views | Share:
To sum up the development characteristics of China's cleaning products industry are: large market size, complex sales system, management structure redundancy, brand clutter. To solve the above problem, cleaning supplies enterprises must take innovation as the core competitiveness, to satisfy consumers' product innovation design, and advocate the brand to the long-term development of the route, from fundamentally solves all problems, so as to guarantee the sustainable cleaning products market development.
As an enterprise to increase the economic investment in human resources, especially manufacturers and enterprises to do, only in this way can improve the quality of products, jump out of the traditional product design framework, produce more in line with the market products, so as to win the consumer market affirmation and support.
And advocate the brand development route to diversified products to draw the whole of normalization, concentrate on to do big do strong brands, thus changed the complanation horse faces a variety of brand dogfights .With the improvement of living standard, people for brand awareness is increasingly heavy, so only go industrialization, marketization, professional cleaning supplies enterprises, areas of brand strategy, to get the favour of consumer, so as to get good grades.